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A record of contemporary history of Pakistan

                                                            - 4615 pages

In TWELVE Volumes:

FOUR Volumes of 'Judges & Generals in Pakistan' &

SEVEN Volumes of  'The Living History of Pakistan' &

ONE Book 'The History of a Disgraceful Surrender [2021]'


Published by:                                                                 

Grosvenor House Publishing Ltd [GHP] 

Link House, 140 The Broadway, Tolworth SURREY UK KT6 7HT

AVAILABLE in printed & e-versions at AMAZON the world over

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The Living History of Pakistan Vol-VI



                          - 4259 pages including this volume in hand.


Judges  & Generals in Pakistan VOL-I

ISBN: 978-1-90859-662-8  [2012] GHP


Judges  & Generals in Pakistan VOL-II

ISBN: 978-1-78148-740-0  [2012] GHP


Judges  & Generals in Pakistan VOL-III

ISBN: 978-1-78148-204-9  [2013] GHP


Judges  & Generals in Pakistan VOL-IV

ISBN: 978-1-78148-673-3  [2013] GHP


The Living History of Pakistan Vol-I

ISBN: 978-1-78623-705-7  [2015] GHP


The Living History of Pakistan Vol-II

ISBN: 978-1-78148-955-0  [2016] GHP


The Living History of Pakistan Vol-III

ISBN: 978-1-78623-825-2  [2017] GHP


The Living History of Pakistan Vol-IV

ISBN: 978-1-78623-827-6  [2017] GHP

The Living History of Pakistan Vol-V

 ISBN: 978-1-78623-937-2  [2017] GHP

​                                                               GHP

                                                      ISBN 978-1-78623-130-7

                                                              £14.99 / $19.99


The Living History of Pakistan Vol-VI




10TH HUMBLE SUBMISSION                            3429   


  • Sit-In [2014]: Pak-Army’s Role

  • Where Does Pakistan Stand

  • Pakistan Ranked 83rd in 102

  • On [Bad] Governance in Pakistan

  • Spendings Ill-Planned

  • A CJP + His Corrupt Son

  • SC Stands by Army For Cause

  • Facts From CIA Files

  • On FATA Reforms


Scenario 186


PAKI JUDICIARY: CORRUPT OR IMPOTENT?                     3455       

  • Ayyan Ali: PPP’s Blue Eyed Girl

  • Mafia Killed Ayyan Case’s I.O.

  • PML[N] Govt Sided With Ayyan Ali

  • Inspector’s Murder Exhausted

  • Paki-Judiciary ‘Sold-Out’ [?]


Scenario 187

PAK-PRESIDENT WORKED FOR AMERICA                       3477

  • Mr Zardari in Presidency

  • Zardari vs GHQ Since Long

  • Zardari Accused Pak-Army [AGAIN]

  • Zardari Turns Guns at PM Sharif

  • PPP’s Quick U-Turn


Scenario 188

ELECTORAL REFORMS DRAMA [2014-17]                       3498

  • Reforms Committee Named

  • Lahore NA-122 Re-Poll Analysed

  • Okara NA-144 Re-Poll True Story

  • High Cry For Meaningful Reforms

  • Women & Minority Votes

  • High Voice For Proper Reforms

  • E-Reforms: Wastage of 3 Years


Scenario 189

AXACT: FAKE DIPLOMAS MILL                                    3531

  • AXACT Went Furious at NYT

  • Facts From AXACT Victims

  • Fake Degrees Menace in Pakistan

  • Criminal Case Placed in FIA

  • AXACT: Charged & Imprisoned in NY

  • Corrupt [?] FIA Let AXACT Free


Scenario 190 

NAB AFFAIRS IN PERSPECTIVE                                   3559   

  • NAB’s Dodgy Gimmicks as Usual

  • 150 Mega-Scams List in SC

  • NAB’s Plea-Bargain Option Gone

  • Who Stole Court’s Original Docs

  • VC of BZU Multan Arrested


Scenario 191

NANDIPUR POWER PROJECT                                  3587

  • PPP’s Babar Awan Failed Nandipur

  • Nandipur Management Failure

  • NAB & SC: All Kept Sleeping

  • Contract With China To Operate


Scenario 192         

TWO SHARIFs – WHO PREVAILED                            3608            

  • COAS as Soldier Statesman  

  • PML[N] Minister Maligned ISI

  • Another Coup on Cards – FACTS

  • Hats Off to Gen Raheel Sharif

  • Gen Raheel Saved Gen Musharraf

  • Gen Raheel Visits America

Scenario 193         

ZARDARI’s STANCE IN CHANGING TIMES                    3630

  • 1st Ever Interview From Karachi Jail

  • Zardari’s Interview – Guardian’s Analysis

  • Zardari’s Interview – Dec 2004

  • Another Write-up on Zardari Dec 2007

  • With Hamid Mir at GEO – Jan 2012

  • Zardari’s Tenure as President 2008-13

  • Zardari at SAMAA TV – Sep 2014

  • Zardari at ARY News TV – Aug 2017


Scenario 194         

ENDGAME OF WOT - REVISITED                             3661

  • Terrorism Has NO Religion

  • How Terror Emerged in Pakistan

  • The Lahore Park Bombing

  • No Foreign War on Pak-Soils


Scenario 195         

CRIME REPORTS OF ALL SORTS                               3681

  • Crime Reports of Year 2013-14

  • SSP Rao Attacked in Karachi

  • Threats of Pandora Box

  • Child Abuse Tragedy in Kasur

  • Crime Report of Year 2015

  • Chotu Gang of Punjab


Scenario 196         

CALAMITIES – PAKISTAN SUFFERRED                       3702

  • VVIP Culture in Pakistan

  • Altaf Bhai – Is he a Calamity

  • Tense Civil-Military Relations

  • Natural Calamities in 2015


Scenario 197         

WHO ELSE LOOTED PAKISTAN                              3726

  • J Jamshed Ali Report

  • SC Judgment on Two Amendments

  • CJP Jawwad Khawaja Retired

  • Two Serving Judges in The Docks


Scenario 198

IS [DAESH] IN PAKISTAN [?]                                   3749

  • ISIS – in Theory & Practice

  • Killings in Paris

  • US Sponsored IS [?]

  • Presence of IS in Pakistan

  • IS Busted in 2016 & After


Scenario 199

END-GAME OF THE TALIBAN MENACE                      3774

  • Death of Mulla Omar

  • Mulla Mansour’s Challenges

  • Mulla Mansour Killed

  • New Taliban Chief Saddled


Scenario 200         

DAWN LEAKS ENIGMA                                       3793

  • Cyril Almeida News Story

  • Interesting Days Again?

  • Foreign Press Cried Louder

  • A Federal Minister Resigned

  • Final Round of Play Starts

  • Sudden Drop Scene 

                                                              398 Pages Book


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